GATOR PATCH for Alligator Cracked Asphalt


GATOR PATCH is the ideal solution for alligator cracked asphalt. This ready-to-use blend is designed for parking lots, driveways, and more. It fills cracks, shallow depressions, and is easy to apply. A cost-effective alternative to hot mix skin patching.

GATOR PATCH for Alligator Cracked Asphalt


If you are already in the asphalt industry then you know alligator cracking refers to a surface damaged in such a way that the cracks form a pattern that looks like reptile scales, most notably those on an alligator or crocodile’s back.

If you’re dealing with this then B & E Sealcoat has the solution for you. GATOR-PATCH is a ready-to-use blend of asphalt emulsion, mineral fillers, glass fiber, ground rubber and plasticizer. It is very durable for parking lots, driveways, playgrounds, walkways, running tracks, tennis courts, etc.


In addition to alligator cracked areas, it can also be used to fill shallow depressions or to fill cracks in excess of 1/2″ wide in asphalt surfaces.  

  • Designed especially for “Alligator Cracked” asphalt
  • Less costly than hot mix skin patching
  • Mix, pour on, and work in with squeegees
  • Approximately 20-50 sq. ft. per gallon at 1/4″ depth.
  • Approximately 150 linear feet per gallon for cracks 1/2″ x 1/2″.

Additional information

Weight51 lbs
Dimensions13 × 13 × 16 in


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